Enrollment options

What are autism spectrum disorders, and how does genetics fit into the picture? This course, developed by trainer/language access consultant Cynthia E. Roat, MPH, addresses key concepts in the field; some basic information about genetics and genetic testing; some common treatments for children with ASD; and challenges for interpreters when interpreting for ASD appointments. Includes vocabulary, as well as practice interpreting and sight-translating. $45 enrollment fee.

CEAP/CCHI: 3 accredited hours, including 1 hour performance based (Program ID 09989).
IMIA/NBCMI: 3 hours/0.3 CEU (ID 22-1245) if completed by Oct. 2, 2024. Please check back later for renewal of NBCMI credit.
Not currently approved for WA-DSHS.

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